Net Assets
Net Assets
Show in header
 Net Assets
¥ {{ $filters.cut_decimal_zero($filters.number(balance.net_assets.jpy, 1)) }}


In Use

{{ cur.toUpperCase() }}
¥ {{ $filters.cut_decimal_zero($filters.number(balance.coincheck.available[cur])) }}
¥ {{ $filters.cut_decimal_zero($filters.number(balance.coincheck.in_use[cur])) }}
Net Assets
Show in header
 Net Assets
¥ {{ $filters.cut_decimal_zero($filters.number(balance.net_assets.jpy, 1)) }}


In Use

{{ cur.toUpperCase() }}
¥ {{ $filters.cut_decimal_zero($filters.number(balance.coincheck.available[cur])) }}
¥ {{ $filters.cut_decimal_zero($filters.number(balance.coincheck.in_use[cur])) }}

Information Security Policy

Coincheck, Inc. (hereinafter, referred as ‘the Company’) recognizes that it is our important operational issue to properly manage information, and in order for our customers to be able to securely use our services, we will follow the Information Security Policy (hereinafter, referred as ‘the Policy’) to ensure to protect and properly manage the information.

The information asset the Policy refers to includes all the information we acquire, and/or are able to acquire in our business operations (hereinafter, referred as ‘the Information Asset’).

1. Assigning the ‘General Information Manager

In order to protect and properly manage the Information Asset, The Company shall assign the ‘General Information Manager’ as a person responsible of the general management of the information security.

2. Streamlining the Company Regulations

The Company shall streamline the Company regulations related to information security, and ensure that every employee is informed of the rules for protection and proper management of the Information Asset.

3. Implementing Internal Audits

The Company shall implement internal audits on a regular basis on the information security and the compliance status with the laws and the Company regulations related to information security.

4. Measures for Proper Information Security

The Company shall implement information security measures in order to prevent unlawful accesses, information leaks and accidents related to the Information Asset.

5. Implementing Employee Education and Trainings

The Company shall implement education and trainings on information security on a regular basis for all the managerial personnel.

6. Managing and Supervising Outsourcing Contractors

The Company shall, in the case we delegate our business operations to outsource contractors, assess their qualifications as contractors and require them to maintain the security levels equivalent to ours or higher. The Company shall also implement regular audits on the outsourcing contractors to ensure that their security levels are maintained properly.

April 1, 2017

Coincheck, Inc.